Indium Phosphide (InP)-Pellets

Product Description


Indium phosphide (InP) is a binary semiconductor composed of indium and phosphorus. It has a face-centered cubic ("zincblende") crystal structure, identical to that of GaAs and most of the III-V semiconductors.

Chemical formula:InP

Molar mass:145.792 g/mol

Appearance:black cubic crystals

Density:4.81 g/cm3, solid

Melting point:1,062 °C (1,944 °F; 1,335 K)

Solubility:slightly soluble in acids[1]

Band gap:1.344 eV (300 K; direct)

Electron mobility:5400 cm2/(V·s) (300 K)

Thermal conductivity:0.68 W/(cm·K) (300 K)

Refractive index (nD):3.1 (infrared); 3.55 (632.8 nm)

Crystal structure:Zinc blende


InP is used in high-power and high-frequency electronics because of its superior electron velocity with respect to the more common semiconductors silicon and gallium arsenide.

It was used with indium gallium arsenide to make a record breaking pseudomorphic heterojunction bipolar transistor that could operate at 604 GHz.

It also has a direct bandgap, making it useful for optoelectronics devices like laser diodes.

InP is also used as a substrate for epitaxial indium gallium arsenide based opto-electronic devices.


Product Inquire

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