Indium Sulfid (III) (In2S3)-Powder

Product Description


Indium(III) sulfide (Indium sesquisulfide, Indium sulfide (2:3), Indium (3+) sulfide) is the inorganic compound with the formula In2S3.

Chemical formula:In2S3

Molar mass:325.82 g·mol−1

Appearance:red powder

Density:4.90 g cm−3, solid

Melting point:1,050 °C (1,920 °F; 1,320 K)

Solubility in water:insoluble


Photovoltaic and Photocatalytic

Thin films β-In2S3 can be grown with varying band gaps, which make them widely applicable as photovoltaic semiconductors, especially in heterojunction solar cells.


A preparation of indium sulfide made with the radioactive 113In can be used as a lung scanning agent for medical imaging. It is taken up well by lung tissues, but does not accumulate there.


In2S3 nanoparticles luminesce in the visible spectrum. Preparing In2S3 nanoparticles in the presence of other heavy metal ions creates highly efficient blue, green, and red phosphors, which can be used in projectors and instrument displays.


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